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Writer: Byron O'NealByron O'Neal

Writer: Michael Moreci Art: Hayden Sherman Publisher: Vault Comics

Wasted Space, issue #8, cover, Vault Comics, Moreci/Sherman
Wasted Space, issue #8, cover, Vault Comics, Moreci/Sherman


Wasted Space is the funnest existential crisis you'll ever have. It's an intergalactic romp that perfectly balances action, humor, and the worry that all of the decisions you make in your life are pre-ordained.

Imagine Preacher meets Archer in space, or maybe Star Wars if it were originally intended for an adult audience.

This covers issue #8 only, so you should probably read the previous reviews and their issues before reading this one.


(Serious spoilers for Vol. 1, some light spoilers for this issue)

Things happened. They weren't great things. They were the kind of things you can't take back.

Dust chose Billy and his cause over that of his lover, Fury, and lost an arm for his trouble. Molly's brother, Rex, killed their father in cold blood. Billy killed Devolous Yam because of,'s complicated. You should read the first volume.

So, the team sets off to get Dust a new arm. As the moral compass of the group, Molly's been trying to edge Billy toward redemption, but this time, she leaves that job to Dust. Instead, she holds Rex back to talk to him while Billy and Dust set off to do whatever it takes to get a fuqbot an arm these days.

Apparently, it takes doing a run for a local contact who can get that arm. The run involves a location that involves a notoriously harrowing trek and a temple where people can repent or lay their troubles down. Billy and Dust embark on this penance quest, and there's a very powerful scene wherein Dust explains to Billy why he feels like Billy needs to repent, and why he chooses to lighten his own burden. When Billy explains his side, we get a lot of insight into his character and motivation in an uncharacteristically sincere moment for the comic.

It's an incredibly powerful and thought-provoking scene, making this one of the strongest issues in the series. Absolutely do not miss Wasted Space #8.


  • The callback to the myth of Sisyphus from the first issue was an absolutely brilliant way to bring Billy full-circle using lore and personal experience from his story

  • The scene between Billy and Dust is yet another perfect example of warring philosophies, and how Michael Moreci doesn't tell you which point of view is the right one, but instead lets you decide for yourself

  • The issue also balances the story's focus, diffusing it amongst all the main characters more than spotlighting Billy the entire time

  • Taking a cue from Hayden Sherman's stormy line art, Jason Wordie's colors set the emotional tone for this issue so well, the angry skies and savage seas mirroring the characters' moods

  • Sherman's physical humor and Moreci's use of humor in the dialogue both serve to bookend the heavy scenes nicely, transitioning us from (and back into) Wasted Space's established tone

  • Jim Campbell's sound effect work is steadfast as ever, with some fun sound effect layouts

  • I've said it before, but I love Cambell's font choice for the locations and for the Creator's dialogue


  • Cursing may make it not the best read for kids

  • We start to get a little character development for Molly but, as the group's moral compass, she's still defined by others – what does she want or need?

Wasted Space, issue #8, page 5, Vault Comics, Moreci/Sherman
Wasted Space, issue #8, page 5, Vault Comics, Moreci/Sherman


This is the incredible, addictive space opera you’ve been waiting for. It hits all the right notes, with enough new that it feels like untrod territory but enough trappings of the genre to feel familiar, like a warm, comfy blanket.

It's fun and hilarious and action-packed, while also having great depth and an undercurrent of existential crisis and helplessness.

Issue #8 is one of the best, most important issues of a series that every comic book fan should be reading. GET ON IT.


If you like the writing:

If you like the art:

  • The Few by Sean Lewis & Hayden Sherman

  • Sentient by Jeff Lemire & Gabriel Hernández Walta

  • New Mutants: Demon Bear by Chris Claremont & Bill Sienkiewicz


Michael Moreci – Writer

  • Inspired by space operas like Star Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy, and often writes epic sci-fi stories

  • Many of his other works are currently in production for film or TV

  • Multitalented: Also recently published his second novel, The Throwaway

Hayden Sherman – Illustrator

  • Influenced by sci-fi films, Batman, teachers he had and great comics he's read

  • Recently wrote an Opinion article for the New York Times about using war games to train engineers

Jason Wordie – Colorist

  • Outlander: Lives in Canada

  • Opinion: I haven't seen much of his work in the past, but absolutely loved his colors in Turncoat and God Country, and feel like they show off a lot of his skill and range – these are 2 titles you should definitely check out

Jim Campbell – Letterer

  • Outlander: Hails from the United Kingdom

  • Multitalented: Also enjoys the art side of the creative world

  • Prolific: Has done lettering for a large number of hit titles

Adrian F. Wassel – Editor

  • Name Recognition: Is the CCO & Editor In Chief of Vault Comics, and plays the role of editor on most, if not all, of Vault's titles

  • Also runs Vault with his brother and father

  • Has personally helped other comics creators, like Eric Palicki, in their endeavors


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