Matthew Rosenberg is reuniting with Punisher collaborator Stefano Landini to launch the new comic book series WE'RE TAKING EVERYONE DOWN WITH US, published by Image Comics. This six-issue miniseries is set to launch on March 26th, 2025, and has been in the works since the duo started working together on The Punisher a few years ago!! Prepare yourself for a story of an "unparalleled journey of super spies and pseudoscience, growing up and global domination, and regret and retribution." by checking out our preview down below!
Writer - Matthew Rosenberg Artist - Stefano Landini
We're Taking Everyone Down With Us follows 13-year-old Annalise who’s left all alone in the world after her mad-scientist father is killed by the world’s greatest spy. Now, alongside her dead dad’s robot bodyguard, Annalise has a choice: try to lead a normal life for the first time ever…or seek revenge and maybe overthrow the world order in the process.
“Stefano and I wanted to tell a fun story about our favorite things—super-spies, mad scientists, robots, family, and revenge,” said Rosenberg. “What we ended up making somehow became much funnier, more heartfelt, and far weirder than what we set out to do.”
We're Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, March 26:
Cover A by Landini
Cover B by Mattia De Lulis
Cover C die-cut by Josh Hood
Cover D 1:25 copy incentive by Chip Zdarsky
Cover E 1:50 copy incentive by Martin Simmonds
Cover F virgin, foil by 1:75 copy incentive
We're Taking Everyone Down With Us will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.
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