Chris Moses returns to the Yeti Cave to discuss his current Kickstarter for CTRL+Z #1-2, its themes, packing a lot of story into every issue, and Kickstarter Exclusive covers! There's no better than right now, in the final week of the campaign, to get on board!
COMIC BOOK YETI: Welcome back to the Yeti Cave, Chris, for another Cryptid-Bits. Alex Breen interviewed you back in June about Saturn Effect: Alpha, but today you are here to discuss CTRL+Z #1-2. The campaign runs until February 8th. Can you tell CBY readers what CTRL+Z is all about?

CHRIS MOSES: Thanks for having me back! CTRL+Z is a four issue sci-fi action comic for mature readers. It’s set in a simulation called Cyberscape, and follows a moderator trying to discover the mystery behind the recent disappearances and their connection to an alluring foe.
CBY: The campaign page mentions that this series is for fans of The Matrix and Ready Player One. I would assume that you are a fan of both of those and, if so, what is it about The Matrix and Ready Player One, other than the concept of Cyberscape, that you wanted to capture with CTRL+Z ? What are some of your other influences for CTRL+Z?
CM: Themes like identity and class are throughout CTRL+Z. The different servers of Cyberscape have varying levels of privilege, so class is built into the very structure of the simulation the story takes place in. CTRL+Z also tackles questions like what it means to be you, is it your memories? Your actions? By the end of CTRL+Z I hope people are left thinking! Some other influences for CTRL+Z are Blade Runner, and The Thirteenth Floor.

CBY: I saw The Thirteenth Floor in the theatre and I feel like I never hear anyone talking about it, but I loved it! Speaking of things I loved, I absolutely love the look of this comic from what I’ve seen so far. The design, the colors, the lettering. There’s such a great sense of movement, everything pops. Your collaborators for this are Riccardo Cecchi, Marcos Martins, and Reed Hinckley-Barnes. Talk to me about this incredible team and what you think each of them brings to CTRL+Z that makes it work.
CM: The team is amazing! Riccardo Cecchi is an awesome artist from Italy and recently won Mad Cave Studio’s talent search. He is a good friend and definitely everyone should be looking out for. He’s going to be big! Marcos is also a great addition to the team, from Brazil and does really amazing work. He’s also fast, which is a bonus! Last we have Reed who has been lettering all of my work since the beginning. He’s great and should be making his own Kickstarter debut in the near future.
CBY: Is there a comic (single issue, trade, or OGN) that made you feel the way you hope readers of CTRL+Z will feel after reading it?

CM: I don’t think there is an exact comparison but JLA: Heaven’s Ladder is close!
CBY: What’s your comic creator origin story, meaning when did you first get into comics and what was it that made you want to create comics? What led to your founding Red Sea Comics?
CM: I’ve been into comics since I was young, being born in the mid 90s comics have always been a regular part of mainstream media. I grew up reading mostly manga but always kept up with the current storylines of the Big Two. In 2019 I started my first comic The Saturn Effect: Ajax (Read for free online at, and was able to focus on it completely at the beginning of 2020. The Pandemic though gave me time and the clarity that I should go all in with comics, and so that's what I did and have been doing ever since.
CBY: It seems like even in the Cyberscape there are issues of privilege, class, and economic disparity. In addition to how cool this comic looks, there are heavier, darker themes underlying everything. Did you set out to explore some of those with CTRL+Z or did they develop throughout the writing process?

CM: These themes are throughout the entirety of CTRL+Z, down to the very structure of Cyberscape itself. There is a lot packed into these four issues. I wanted to give an action packed story that people could enjoy for its eye catching art and fast paced story telling if that's all they want from it. Sometimes that's all I want from a story too. But for readers that want more, CTRL+Z has it!
CBY: It looks like there are some amazing reward tiers for backing the Kickstarter, including some gorgeous variant covers and add-ons of other series by Red Sea Comics. Can you tell me about some of the things you are most excited to offer with this campaign?
CM: This year we’ll be doing Kickstarter Exclusive covers for all of our books. For CTRL+Z #1-2 we have two amazing covers by Tina Valentino and newcomer Riccardo Robaldo. Both of them are limited and after this campaign will be locked away in the Red Sea Comics Vault. This may be the only time to get your hands on one!
CBY: Are there any other projects you are working on or that CBY readers should check out? What’s next for Red Sea Comics?

CM: Definitely check out The Saturn Effect: Alpha! We’ll be returning to Kickstarter later this year with the first issue of Volume 2! It’s been a long time but Alpha is finally returning home to the Titan Colonies, but will he make it home in one piece? Find out in TSE: Alpha #5!
CBY: What are the comics, books, tv shows, and/or movies that you are currently enjoying?
CM: The Last of Us, Magic Order, Boruto, My Hero Academia, Chainsawman. CBY: Where can you be found online?
CM: @rchrismoses on Twitter, @redseacomics @thesaturneffect on Instagram!
CBY: Chris, thank you so much for making the trek back to the Yeti Cave and good luck with the rest of the campaign.