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Writer's picture: Byron O'NealByron O'Neal

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

Writer: Ryan O'Sullivan Art: Andrea Mutti Publisher: Vault Comics

Fearscape, Issue #4, cover, Vault Comics, O'Sullivan/Mutti

This review only covers the 4th issue. For more discussion of previous issues, click here.


A moody, meta, medium-breaking comic disguised as horror fantasy with an unreliable narrator, who is a plagiarist who gets in way over his head.

It's a little like Dante's Inferno with a Twin Peaks aesthetic and a Memento narrative. It also has a pinch of Breaking Bad, as the creators see just how evil they can make their protagonist while keeping readers worried about him.


(Moderate Spoilers)

If you don't want previous issues spoiled for you, READ THOSE NOW BEFORE READING THIS.

OK? Good to go? Great.

Here's what I know:

Henry Henry has plagiarized his mentor's work, gaining himself some fame in the literary world. He's also pretended to be Arthur Proctor (said mentor), in order to defend the world against humanity's fears in the Fearscape. Usually, only the world's greatest creator (in this case, Arthur) can defend humanity and, since Henry Henry is only a plagiarist, things haven't gone as expected.

To cover it up, he's murdered the Muse, a helpful anthropomorphized concept who realized Henry was not the man he claimed to be.

This issue sees Henry digging that hole ever deeper with his lies as he tries to cover up what he's done, lying and pitting powerful Fearscape entities against each other.

As the reader, we too are a part of his story, and he speaks directly to us. He lies about his motivations and he pits us against casual readers and the characters who seek to expose him.

The one character witness who could tell the world about Henry Henry is Arthur, but his mental state is deteriorating with dementia. At some points, he seems to remember who Henry really is: a liar. But mostly, he seems almost excited to see Henry, to the point of mistaking his daughter, Jill, for him on more than one occasion. Jill hates Henry and is working with a Fearscape entity to expose him.

Meanwhile, there are three triplet shapeshifter beings who helped Henry in the past and now seek to use him for more sinister purposes. While Henry narrates this part, it's almost like he's narrating from the future, raising even more questions.

But one question remains brighter than all others right now: How far is Henry willing to go to protect his secret?


  • O'Sullivan's story is told in layers, what is happening vs what is told to us, which makes for a fun reading experience with depth

  • His style in this comic reminds me of Palahniuk, constantly challenging himself to write in innovative ways, often with protagonists we root for even though they may not be likeable

  • Henry Henry as a protagonist is like Breaking Bad's Walter White: I wonder how far he has to go before we stop rooting for him simply because he's our protagonist

  • He's a little like villains in the real world in that he makes things worse for everyone else while having few personal consequences of his own

  • There's a certain sadistic joy in watching a jerk like Henry get himself into a world of trouble

  • It's fascinating imagining the story without Henry's narration -- how we might give more credit to him, and how it may seem so much more like a traditional adventure story

  • Maybe we root for Henry Henry because he also reminds us of ourselves, just a little bit?

  • Mutti's art is ethereal, moody and almost dreamlike when combined with Vladimir Popov's brooding colors, and feels inspired by classic fantasy illustrations (see below) or darker-themed TV shows

  • Andworld's Deron Bennett's lettering is on-point, and his caption placements build the story and characterizations unlike any other comic-letterer duo out there right now

  • This may be misattributed, as the dialogue/narration boxes' placement could be built into the script, but the lettering in this comic is still highly effective nonetheless

  • The demonic entity in this issue speaks in the same mannerisms Henry Henry sometimes slips into, which I found fascinating

  • You're definitely going to want to read the back cover on these issues -- there's a delightful easter egg there

  • Also, Vault comics have been putting intros here on most, if not all of their titles, and I find it really helpful to remind me what's happened before and what to expect inside


  • The narrative has so many layers, between the unreliable narrator and the unpredictable story, it can be difficult to keep up with the story's nuances

  • There's no one really likable in this story so far, so anyone who needs a character to stand in for themselves in order to enjoy a story may be disappointed

Fearscape, Issue #4, Vault Comics, O'Sullivan/Mutti


FEARSCAPE is a novel concept by an insanely talented and thoughtful creative team. It's currently doing something entirely new and different in the comics medium, and it makes a point of breaking the traditional concept of a "comic book" every chance it gets.


If you like the writing:

  • VOID TRIP by Ryan O'Sullivan & Plaid Klaus

  • The Sandman, Vol. 1 by Gaiman, Kieth, Dringenberg & Jones III

  • The Unwritten, Vol. 1 by Mike Carey & Peter Gross

If you like the art:

  • FEARSCAPE #1-3 by Ryan O'Sullivan & Andrea Mutti

  • Port of Earth, Vol. 1 by Zack Kaplan & Andrea Mutti

  • Swamp Thing, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore & John Totleben


Ryan O'Sullivan – Writer

  • Influenced by Bukowski, Nobokov, Shakespeare, and Hunter S. Thompson

  • Outlander: He’s from Yorkshire, England

  • Part of the White Noise collective with other extremely talented writers

Andrea Mutti – Penciller & Inker

  • Outlander: Currently lives in Italy, and I'm super jealous of this fact

  • In the past, he worked on several detective titles for French publishers

  • His talent for drawing the noir genre definitely translates well to this title

Vladimir Popov – Colorist

  • Dream Team: Also worked with Andrea Mutti on the comic, Control

  • Seems to enjoy working in muted colors

  • Inspired by Moebius, Simon Bisley, Frank Frazetta, Robert Crumb, Alex Raymod, Wally Wood and Don Lawrence (according to

  • Outlander: Lives in Serbia

Deron Bennett (AndWorld Design) – Letterer

  • Founded AndWorld Design, a lettering & design studio

  • Multitalented: Also wrote the comic, Quixote

  • Has a cool video where he talks about why he loves lettering


FEARSCAPE issue #4 is coming soon.

Pre-order issue #4 from your Local Comics Shop.

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