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Writer: Byron O'NealByron O'Neal

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

Writer: Bob Salley Art: Shawn Daley Publisher: Source Point Press

Ogre, issue #1, cover, self-published, Salley/Daley


A touching, 3-issue fantasy tale about the things that break us apart and those that bring us together.

It feels like a lot of medieval fantasy RPGs (or "Role Playing Games," a genre of video game), especially in the beginning.


(Minor Spoilers)

An ogre is chained to a corpse and kept in a jail cell buried in a castle's dungeon.

An army is right outside, about to invade the castle he and his fellow prisoners are in. As one of the last of his kind, he must decide whether to give up or to join this ragtag band of human prisoners and attempt to survive, even though so many of his people have ben wiped out by humans in the past.

Meanwhile, the spirit of the dead man is speaking to the ogre, unsure of why he can't move on.

What will put this dead man's soul to rest? Can this ogre befriend the same race of people who killed his own people? And can he survive, fleeing from this war he wants no part of, as well as the goblins, soldiers and other monsters intent on killing or capturing him?


  • OGRE is a touching and nuanced story that fits so much into only three issues

  • Bob Salley fills the story with so much internal and external conflict, but so much of it takes place without words or action, or between the panels

  • Similarly, Daley's ability to capture the the depth of emotion and the conflict and complicated, nuanced events in characters' faces and body language is nothing short of remarkable

  • His watercolor in OGRE is beautiful, at times, both visceral and ethereal

  • Check out the example below: He's able to keep the watercolor tight inside the castle but loose in the sky for this feeling of a heavy, hot and humid day

  • OGRE shows the brutality of war in a very real way without ever showing a single epic battle

  • Salley also chooses not to focus on that as his only message

  • The ogre's plight can also spark a discussion on race

  • I also liked the swords-to-plowshares/strange bedfellows aspect of how war or general necessity can bring people together (or, you know, handcuff them to you)

  • The argument throughout about what changes us and what doesn't, or whether our soul can change at all, is a big underlying theme that fits really well with the story


  • I personally didn't want the story to end, but it is nice for those who don't want to commit to another long series

  • This story can sit really heavy, so if you don't want to feel down right now, you might want to read this book when you're in the mood for something with that kind of depth

  • I don't think we got names for all of the ogre's companions or, if we did, it was almost mentioned more in passing maybe once

  • It was hard to know (until later, of course) if we should trust them or invest in them emotionally, expecting they'd die or turn traitor any minute

  • Maybe that does work to the story's advantage, though, since that's probably how the ogre felt

  • Dialogue is pretty heavy, which can slow scenes down

Ogre, issue #1, page 3, self-published, Salley/Daley


OGRE is a sad, beautiful, brutal and nuanced story about unexpected connections and our search for peace. I highly recommend it for fantasy lovers in search for a shorter story that doesn't sacrifice depth.


If you like the writing:

  • Salvagers by Bob Salley & George Acevedo

  • Drift by Edward Haynes & Martyn Lorbiecki

  • Lady Castle by Delilah S. Dawson & Ashley A. Woods

If you like the art:

  • TerraQuill by Shawn Daley

  • Ascender by Jeff Lemire & Dustin Nguyen

  • Dept. H, Vol. 1 by Matt Kindt


Bob Salley – Writer

  • Multitalented: Also an editor at Source Point Press

  • His comic, Salvagers, is meant to branch out into multiple different stories and titles, as well as board games and other media

Shawn Daley – Art & Letters

  • Multitalented: Does the art & letters for this comic, which is uncommon for someone to be talented in both

  • Outlander: Lives in Toronto

  • Covers Bad Religion & NOFX songs with an 8bit/chiptune sound


Issue #3 will drop around Christmas 2018. Issue #1 is sold out, but you'll be able to read the collected trade of all 3 issues early next year!

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