Created by: Adam Reck

This review covers a webcomic that is updated regularly. The review covers everything published through Aug. 23, 2018. Since this review covers a webcomic instead of an individual issue or trade paperback-length comic, it might look a little different than my other reviews.
An ongoing webcomic created as fan fiction (not canonical) about the X-Men, specifically Bishop & Jubilee.
It seems to take place during the fan-favorite '90s X-Men period, roughly around the time of the massively popular cartoon. It definitely has a "Buddy Cop" genre feel to it, where Bishop is the very serious one and Jubilee plays the young recruit, comic relief role.
WHAT'S IT ABOUT? (Minor Spoilers)
For those of you who don't know, Bishop comes from one of the X-Men's particularly dark futures. And, while he doesn't seem to miss much from his personal timeline/dimension, he's craving a special treat that's just not available in the Old World: Yummy Yum Yum Sticky X-Buns.
As someone who had an obsession with a discontinued food item (looking at YOU, Wanchai Ferry Restaurant Favorites Orange Chicken Dinner Kit!), I really feel for him. Luckily, so does Jubilee, and she's willing to help him in search of this food or an equal replacement. This humble beginning launches them on the journey of a lifetime, through Morlock Tunnels and other dimensions.
Will Bish & Jubez ever find Yummy Yum Yum Sticky X-Buns, or a suitable alternative snack? And, if they do, will they survive long enough to enjoy them? You're going to have to read it to find out!
Adam draws and writes the X-Men like a natural, and his love of these characters really shines through
There are so many great Easter Eggs to stumble upon that reward X-Fandom
It's a load of fun; Jubilee and Bishop play off each other hilariously and the story feels new and fresh and reminiscent of some of our favorite moments from the old comics (the ones not filled with drama)
It's free!
If you need color to enjoy a comic, this doesn't have it (except on "covers" for special occasions)
Not canonical/out-of-universe continuity doesn't intersect with main X-Men comics, if you're bothered by that
I want so much more than what has been published!

If you're an X-Men fan, you have to read this. Not only is it just a ton of fun, but there are so many deep cuts and obscure references that will fill any longtime X-Men fan's heart with pride you see them.
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X-Men '92, Vol. 1 by Chris Sims, Chad Bowers & Alti Firmansyah
Astonishing X-Men Omnibus by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday
Adam Reck – Cartoonist
Multitalented: Writes AND illustrates Bish & Jubez
Dream Team: Co-hosts the Battle of the Atom podcast with Zachary Jenkins, the talent behind Xavier Files
Just go to Adam Reck's tumblr page
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