Below is a list of some of my favorite comics that are super easy to get into.
The whole point of this website is to get YOU, dear reader, into comics.
But if my highly scannable reviews are still too much to read, I’ll do you one better: this comprehensive list of my favorite comics, great for picking up and loving immediately.
There’s a lot of Marvel & Image comics here because those are my favorite publishers and the ones I’m most familiar with.
Feel free to scroll, or just run a search for a genre, creator, publisher, similar movie/TV show, zodiac sign or personality type, and I’ll let you know which comics correspond to it.

Ether by Matt Kindt & David Rubín (Dark Horse)
Description: A cross-dimensional murder mystery.
Genre: Murder Mystery, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Chronicles of Narnia meets Ren & Stimpy
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Aquarius
Personality Type: ISFP/INTP
Description: A deep-sea murder mystery.
Genre: Murder Mystery, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: Chinatown meets The Abyss meets The Cloverfield Paradox
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Aquarius
Personality Type: ISTP/INTP
Extremity by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image)
Description: War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
Genre: War, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Patriot, but in space
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Personality Type: ISTJ/ESTP
Avengers Arena by Dennis Hopeless & Kev Walker (Marvel)
Description: A Marvel villain liked The Hunger Games a little too much.
Genre: Superhero, Teen
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Hunger Games meets The Avengers
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type: ESFP/ENFJ
Description: Women get sent to a prison planet and they’re not OK with it, for some reason.
Genre: Feminism, Pulp, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: Orange is the New Black meets The Handmaid’s Tale
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio/Capricorn
Personality Type: INFP/ENTP
Descender by Jeff Lemire & Dustin Nguyen (Image)
Description: Asimovian sci-fi about the great robot uprising.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama, Action
Similar Movie/TV Show: I, Robot with a dash of A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Zodiac Sign: Libra/Capricorn
Personality Type: INTP/ENTP
Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire (Vertigo)
Description: A kid leaves home to discover a post-apocalyptic world.
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Drama, Action
Similar Movie/TV Show: Children of Men mixed with The Road
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality Type: ISTJ
Royal City by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Description: A family copes with loss in different ways.
Genre: Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Lovely Bones meets Ghost meets Sliding Doors
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Capricorn
Personality Type: ISFJ
A.D. After Death by Scott Snyder & Jeff Lemire (Image)
Description: A man struggles to find meaning in a world that has beaten death.
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: Memento in the Tuck Everlasting universe
Zodiac Sign: Gemini/Capricorn
Personality Type: INFP
Daredevil by Mark Waid & Chris Samnee (Marvel)
Description: A previously depressed superhero is happier and tries to turn his life around.
Genre: Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Daredevil TV show, but with smiles and brighter colors
Zodiac Sign: Gemini/Virgo
Personality Type: ISTJ/ESTJ
Morning Glories by Nick Spencer & Joe Eisma (Image)
Description: Drama, murder and mystery at a prestigious prep-school
Genre: Mystery, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: Runaways meets Lost
Zodiac Sign: Virgo/Aquarius
Personality Type: INTJ/ENTJ
East of West by Jonathan Hickman & Nick Dragotta (Image)
Description: The Apocalypse in the Wild West.
Genre: Western, Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: Firefly if it happened while the world was ending
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio/Capricorn
Personality Type: INTJ/ENTJ
The Black Monday Murders by Jonathan Hickman & Tomm Coker (Image)
Description: A dark murder mystery surrounds Wall Street and some kind of ancient magic.
Genre: Crime, Horror
Similar Movie/TV Show: Apocalypto meets The Wolf of Wall Street
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Libra
Personality Type: ENTJ
Rat Queens by Kurtis J Wiebe & various artists (Image)
Description: Lady adventurers acting unladylike.
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy
Similar Movie/TV Show: Lord of the Rings meets Broad City
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Personality Type: ESTP
Generation Gone by Ales Kot & André Lima Araújo (Image)
Description: Teens get superpowers and everything falls apart.
Genre: Superhero, Drama, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Misfits meets Chronicle
Zodiac Sign: Aries/Scorpio
Personality Type: ENTP
Phonogram by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Description: Music is magic and people are broken.
Genre: Music, Drama, Fantasy
Similar Movie/TV Show: A British SLC Punk in the universe of The Magicians
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Pisces
Personality Type: ISFP/ESFP
Description: Teens become pop stars become gods, bite off more than they can chew and decide if they want to do anything about it or enjoy being virtually omniscient pop icons.
Genre: Fantasy, Music, Action
Similar Movie/TV Show: American Gods but with British pop stars
Zodiac Sign: Libra/Pisces
Personality Type: ESTP/ESFP
Manifest Destiny by Chris Dingess & Matthew Roberts (Image)
Description: Lewis & Clark discovery America and it’s awful and way more deadly than what got taught to us in school.
Genre: Historic, Horror, Adventure
Similar Movie/TV Show: Lewis & Clark but with monsters and demons
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Personality Type: ISTJ/ESTJ
Harrow County by Cullen Bunn & Tyler Crook (Dark Horse)
Description: A young witch fights her dark destiny.
Genre: Horror, Historic
Similar Movie/TV Show: The VVitch with a touch of The Conjuring
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type: INFP
Regression by Cullen Bunn & Danny Luckert (Image)
Description: Psychological thriller where a buried personality may be murdering people.
Genre: Horror
Similar Movie/TV Show: A less religious 6 Souls
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type: ISTP
Description: Three witches take over a town in Florida and fight against awful men and concepts of tradition.
Genre: Horror, Crime
Similar Movie/TV Show: Dexter, but with witches.
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Personality Type: ESTJ/ENTJ
Hawkeye by Matt Fraction & David Aja (Marvel)
Description: What an Avenger does on his downtime.
Genre: Superhero, Action, Comedy
Similar Movie/TV Show: Wes Anderson does Roadhouse
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality Type: ISTJ
Invincible by Robert Kirkman & Ryan Ottley (Image)
Description: The most epic of superhero stories.
Genre: Superhero, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Avengers meets Heroes
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Personality Type: ESTP/ESTJ
Outcast by Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta (Image)
Description: Folks in this small town keeps getting possessed, the local priest can’t stop it, but this dude with a whole lot of baggage can, for some reason.
Genre: Horror
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Exorcist with a twist
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality Type: ISTJ/ISFJ
LOW by Rick Remender & Greg Tocchini (Image)
Description: It’s the end of the world, everyone lives underwater, but one person hasn’t given up hope of saving everything.
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, Adventure
Similar Movie/TV Show: The water-based stage of Waterworld, the state of the planet of Wall-E, and the bleak (but still somehow hopeful) tone of The Road
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Aquarius
Personality Type: ISFJ
Black Science by Rick Remender & Matteo Scalera (Image)
Description: Dimensional travel might have been a bad idea.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Adventure
Similar Movie/TV Show: Quantum Leap or Sliders meets The Butterfly Effect
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality Type: INTJ/INTP
No Mercy by Alex de Campi & Carla Speed McNeil (Image)
Description: A bus carrying teens about to start college crashes. Each survivor chooses to seek help in different ways.
Genre: Horror, Suspense, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: If Hostile or Brokedown Palace were a Choose Your Own Adventure story
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio/Sagittarius
Personality Type: ESFP/ENFP
Description: Shakespearean tragedy comes to the Marvel Universe
Genre: Tragedy, Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: American Beauty for the Bicentennial Man
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality Type: ISFJ
Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction & Chip Zdarsky (Image)
Description: A sex-positive story where the characters have superpowers, but only after they climax, and they use them to rob a bank but not to resolve their interpersonal conflicts.
Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy
Similar Movie/TV Show: Transparent, but more off-the-wall and with superpowers
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Personality Type: ISFP
Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang (Image)
Description: Paper girls from the ‘80s get involved in some kind of time travel/dimension travel mystery that tests who they are and who they might become.
Genre: Teen, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Similar Movie/TV Show: Stranger Things meets Quantum Leap
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Sagittarius
Personality Type: INFP
Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra (Vertigo)
Description: The last guy alive on the planet tries to survive and find his girlfriend on the other side of the world.
Genre: Adventure, Post-Apocalyptic
Similar Movie/TV Show: Children of Men meets The Leftovers, with a dash of The Stand
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Sagittarius
Personality Type: ESTP/ESFP
Description: A family goes on the run throughout the universe. Chaos ensues.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: Romeo & Juliet mashed-up with Game of Thrones, but in a large sci-fi universe like Star Wars
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Personality Type: INFJ/ENFP
Runaways by Brian K. Vaughan & Adrian Alphona (Marvel)
Description: Superpowered teens run away from home and things don’t go super well.
Genre: Teen, Drama, Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: Runaways
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio/Sagittarius
Personality Type: INFP/ENTP
Monstress by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda (Image)
Description: A woman in a fantasy world has an ancient power inside her that may help her but could also kill her, and lots of other people want her dead.
Genre: Fantasy
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Lord of the Rings meets Stardust
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality Type: INTJ/ENTJ
Southern Bastards by Jason Aaron & Jason Latour (Image)
Description: Crime, racism and those who rally against it in rural Alabama.
Genre: Crime, Sports
Similar Movie/TV Show: Friday Night Lights meets Ghosts of Mississippi
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Personality Type: INFP/ESTJ
Description: The anthropomorphic concept of Dreams gets imprisoned, then released, and then has to fix everything that went wrong in that time.
Genre: Fantasy
Similar Movie/TV Show: Supernatural in the DC Universe
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Pisces
Personality Type: ISFP
Redneck by Donny Cates & Lisandro Estherren (Image)
Description: A family of vampires goes off the rails in Texas.
Genre: Horror, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: A family-oriented True Blood, but in Texas instead of Louisiana
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type: ISTJ
God Country by Donny Cates & Geoff Shaw (Image)
Description: A powerful sword brings an old man with dementia back to his senses, and he uses it to fight the evil being who wants it back.
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: Big Fish, but with gods and demons
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Personality Type: ISTJ
Clean Room by Gail Simone & Jon Davis-Hunt (Vertigo)
Description: A death, a cult, an insidious evil and a mystery.
Genre: Thriller, Horror
Similar Movie/TV Show: Fallen meets Scientology
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Personality Type: INFJ/ENTJ
Curse Words by Charles Soule & Ryan Browne (Image)
Description: An evil wizard become a good wizard and fights his old evil wizard friends because the earth is pretty rad.
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Similar Movie/TV Show: Good Omens for wizards and/or hipsters
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Personality Type: ENFP/ESFJ
The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky & Moebius (Les Humanoïdes Associés)
Description: A classic comic where an idiot unwillingly goes on an adventure across the galaxy.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy
Similar Movie/TV Show: A reluctant hero from the ‘60s or ‘70s, but in the Dr. Strange universe
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Sagittarius
Personality Type: ISFP
Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons (DC)
Description: The world got too crappy for this former superhero team, but when one of their numbers gets murdered, they come back to figure out who did it and why.
Genre: Superhero, Murder Mystery
Similar Movie/TV Show: Watchmen or Chinatown with superpowers
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Capricorn
Personality Type: ISTJ
Preacher by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon (Vertigo)
Description: A preacher accidentally gets what is essentially the Voice of God. Chaos ensues.
Genre: Religious, Horror, Road Trip, Adventure
Similar Movie/TV Show: Preacher or a darker Dogma
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type: ESFJ
Fables by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham (Vertigo)
Description: All the old fables are living together in a town and things are going kind of OK until an ancient evil starts to come for all of them.
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: Once upon a Time for adults
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Personality Type: ESTP/ESFP
Powers by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Avon Oeming (Image/Icon)
Description: A depowered cop and his new partner in a superpowered world.
Genre: Crime, Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: Powers or Heroes/Law and Order with Superheroes
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type: ISTJ
Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday (Marvel)
Description: A great place to start reading the X-Men.
Genre: Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: X-Men
Zodiac Sign: Cancer/Scorpio
Personality Type: ESTJ/ENFP
Astonishing X-Men by Charles Soule & various artists (Marvel)
Description: The X-Men battle an old enemy in a run that feels more “X-Men-y” than most other X-Titles running at the same time.
Genre: Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: X-Men, Legion
Zodiac Sign: Libra/Aquarius
Personality Type: ESFP/ENFJ
X-Men: Legacy by Simon Spurrier & Tan Eng Huat (Marvel)
Description: Exploring the mind of David Haller (the main character of FX’s Legion series).
Genre: Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: X-Men, Legion
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Personality Type: ISTP
Old Man Logan by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven (Marvel)
Description: Logan is the only hero left in a dystopian future where the bad guys won. He goes on a road trip to save his fam and his family.
Genre: Post-apocalyptic, Superhero
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Road, Mad Max
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio/Capricorn
Personality Type: ISTJ
Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona (Marvel)
Description: A Muslim teenage girl gains superpowers and the moniker of her idol and has to balance saving her neighborhood/the world, her family, her social life and high school.
Genre: Superhero, Teen
Similar Movie/TV Show: Smallville meets Black-ish
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type: ESTJ/ENTJ
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank by Matthew Rosenberg & Tyler Boss (Black Mask Studios)Description: To stop one of their dads from robbing a bank, 4 kids decide to rob it first.
Genre: Crime, Teen
Similar Movie/TV Show: The Goonies meets Reservoir Dogs
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius/Capricorn
Personality Type: ENFP
Motor Crush by Fletcher, Stewart & Tarr (Image)
Description: If a woman can win enough races, she can get her and her dad out of poverty.
Genre: Sports, Drama
Similar Movie/TV Show: A slightly more sci-fi The Fast and the Furious on motorcycles
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Sagittarius
Personality Type: ISTP
Snotgirl by Bryan Lee O’Malley & Leslie Hung (Image)
Description: A blogger and an accidental death (or maybe not?)
Genre: Murder Mystery, Teen
Similar Movie/TV Show: Gossip Girl meets Pretty Little Liars
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Personality Type: ESFP