Writer: Tom King Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta Publisher: Marvel Comics

A Shakespearean tragedy for the Modern Marvel Age.
It’s a nuclear family drama, except instead of humans, it’s The Vision (an android) and his family. Think American Beauty meets Bicentennial man.
(Minor Spoilers)
The Vision has created a family from himself (a Biblical reference if there ever was one) and decides to live a quieter life apart from the superheroics he’s been a part of for so long.
The Visions strive to live a normal life and to understand what a “normal” life means to them. But the harder each family member tries to cling to a sense of normality, the more things fall apart. The Vision has saved the world time and time again, but can he protect his family from the danger and heartbreak of this “normal” life?
It’s a limited-run series that’s only 12 issues long, so it tells its story without dragging on too long
Jump right in – the story has a timeless feel to it, and is (for the most part) separate from a lot of the machinations of the Marvel Universe
The color scheme feels like it comes right out of suburbia; even the family’s pink “skin” is balanced by their green clothing
Nothing feels wasted – the dialogue is precise, there’s just enough line art not to feel overwrought and, as mentioned, Jordie Bellaire’s color palette is thoughtful and reserved
While this family of synthezoids works as a metaphor for other minorities, some of their issues are specific to being actual synthezoids and/or in a superhero universe, making the story feel more authentic and less preachy
It’s also really interesting seeing a superhero and android/synthezoid version of typical family life and the dynamic between family members
It’s a thinker – there’s a lot of emotion and subtext in here (see image for an example), so if you want superhero fights and explosions, you might want to try a different Marvel title
Some plot points are less meaningful if you don’t know certain characters who play supporting roles in the story

If you like tragedies, or if you’re an Avengers fan, or if you just want a well thought-out story, this is right up your alley.
If you like the writing:
The Dark Phoenix Saga by Chris Claremont & John Byrne
Mister Miracle by Tom King & Mitch Gerads
Royal City by Jeff Lemire
If you like the art:
Southern Bastards, Vol. 1 by Jason Aaron & Jason Latour
Cable and X-Force, Vol. 1 by Dennis Hopeless, Gabriel Hernandez Walta & Salvador Larroca
Generation Gone, Vol. 1 by Aleš Kot & André Lima Araújo
Tom King – Writer
Grew up in Southern California and his mother worked for film studios
Used to work for the CIA
Name Recognition: Currently writes Batman
Gabriel Hernandez Walta – Art
Outlander: Hails from Spain
New Face: Was discovered by Marvel editor CB Cebulski only a few years ago
Jordie Bellaire – Colors
Name Recognition: One of the most talented and sought-out colorists in the industry
Dream Team: Currently works with some of the biggest names in comics
Outlander: Lives in Ireland
Multitalented: Breaking out of the colorist role, she just wrote an incredible horror comic, Redlands, that you should check out
Clayton Cowles – Letters
Name Recognition: Cowles (pronounced ‘Coals’) is also extremely talented and sought-out in the comics industry
Dream Team: Currently works with some of the biggest names in comics
Prolific: This guy has lettered most of the comics I’ve read in the past 3 years
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